Our Ministries
In 2014 our Women's Auxillary Ministry started a Personal Products Pantry to help the elderly and seniors on fixed incomes. We host a full served luncheon, offer prayer, a message of hope and give bags of personal items to help defer the cost for them. These giveaways are held twice yearly around Memorial Day and Thanksgiving to offer fellowship to those who may not have family to spend time with.
Our Christian Education starts with our Sunday School class that is held each Sunday morning before worship service. We learn how Christianity started and extends into today's society. Weekly Bible Study is held every Wednesday evening at 7PM and is very interactive and enlightening. We discuss up to date topics and learn what God requires of us in our daily lives.
The Music/Media Ministry of Flat Creek MB Church is a diverse ministry that enhances the worship service. The ministry presents a variety of music to include: Traditional Gospel, Hymns, Contemporary Gospel, and Praise and Worship. The Music Ministry encompasses Choirs, a Music Staff and Praise Team Ministries.
The Youth Ministry at Flat Creek is commited to creating fun and innovative ways to connect and foster spiritual growth. Our goal is to promote a personal relationship with Jesus Christ while providing a safe environment where God’s Word, the Bible, is taught. Help our youth to build strong, positive relationships with other believers. As a part of the New Salem Baptist Dist Assoc (NSBDA), our youth participate in all activities for the Kings Kids and BYF departments.
Our evangelism team meet and greet others in the community , offer prayers and information on how to accept Jesus Christ in our lives. The community outreach and evangelism department strive to encourage the community to get involved with our local church. We have joint services with local churches of East Carondelet and Dupo during Easter and Thanksgiving as well as joining in with fun activities around town events.
Our team of workers are constantly keeping our church and surrounding areas clean, trimmed and presentable for the community. We are looking for more willing workers to help with the upkkeep of the church grounds and interior beautification committee. Whether you like gardening, cleaning or interior decorating please feel free to join the team.
Here at Flat Creek we know that how you are greeted when you walk into a church for the first times as a visitor will determine how you receive the message. We are always glad to see new face in God's place.